Chapter 1. AI-Powered HTML and CSS Coding Basics
Chapter 2. Review and Improve Your HTML and CSS Skills with AI
Embed and Style Images and Links in HTML & CSS with AI Prompt
Basic CSS Code for Standard Styling
Display Property CSS with AI Prompt
Styling Components with AI: Buttons, Cards, and More
Chapter 3. Enriching Web Content
Embed Video in HTML Code with AI
Embedding Google Map in HTML Code with AI Prompt
Inserting Icons in HTML Code with AI Prompt
CSS Filter Blur, Drop-Shadow, Brightness, Grayscale, and More
Box-Shadow vs. Drop-Shadow: How They Are Different?
Create Gradient Graphic: AI as CSS Gradient Generator
Blend Modes Explained: Creating Blend Mode CSS Code with AI
Create Custom Shapes with Clip Path CSS Generator
Chapter 4. Advanced CSS Techniques
Attribute Selector in CSS
Position Property in CSS: Position Absolute and Relative
Translate() Function in CSS: Repositioning HTML Elements
Rotate() Function in CSS: Rotating HTML Elements
Scale() Function in CSS: Adjusting Scale of HTML Elements
Z-Index to Manage Layers in CSS
CSS Overflow and Creating Horizontal Scroll
Chapter 5. Building Responsive Website
CSS Media Queries and Breakpoints
Responsive Design Example: Two Column Layout
Responsive Design Example: CSS Display Grid
CSS Calc() Function for Responsive Design
Chapter 6. Dynamic Website Design Using CSS
Transition Property in CSS
Keyframes and Animation Property in CSS
Chapter 7. Optimize CSS Coding
CSS Variable: Creating CSS Custom Properties
Dark Mode Design: Creating Dark Color Palette in CSS
What Is SCSS and How To Use It?